Stencil Time! How to Make Your Walls Look Amazing

September 16, 2011 § 3 Comments

Happy Friday, everyone! Just a quick announcement that today is the LAST DAY to enter the Lumene giveaway, so I hope you all have commented on the post (scroll down) to enter! You also get multiple entries by sharing on Facebook and Twitter, so please share with your friends!

OK, so back to what I wanted to write this post about: stencils. Ever since I moved to DC over two years ago, I’ve sort of strayed away from painting my white walls. I’ve tried to add pops of color with pillows, my throw rugs, etc. but the urge to paint has always been there! I just keep telling myself that I shouldn’t paint because I’m a renter and when I move, I’ll have to re-paint everything white. Well, I think now that I’ve discovered this amazing shop on Etsy, I’m going to say forget about it and just do it! Plus, I’ve been working on re-finishing/painting my yard sale find and it’s put me in the painting spirit!

Below are the two stencils that I’m sort of in love with right now from the Cutting Edge Stencils shop on Etsy. The first is the damask verde brocade stencil ($45), which the boyfriend agrees would be good for the living room:

image courtesy of Cutting Edge Stencils

And the second is the weeping cherry branches stencil ($42.95), from the same shop.

image courtesy of Cutting Edge Stencils

I’m torn between the two for my living room. The colors I want to do are a pale blue (almost tiffany blue but a little less “electric”) with a gold overlay. So, if I do the brocade damask, I’d paint the wall blue and paint the stencil gold…same thing for the branches I think. I’d love to hear your thoughts on this and if you have any suggestions, that would be great!

As always, thanks for reading A Fresh Coat and I hope you have a wonderful weekend! xoxo

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